

Posted by The 'Gueru 

4-7-23 #4


Just last week I attended the funeral for my 93 year old uncle. Of course this caused me to reflect on my life experiences. As I reminisced, the service just happened to be at the reflections part of the ceremony. I remain in the back of the church to get an abstract view of things. I notice cousin Bubby in the line to say a few words. Right away I smile. I had not seen him in a few decades and often wondered how he was, but never reached out. At this point I think of lessons I learned along the way from Bubby. I am not certain if he is aware, but our interactions were very impactful in lessons which serve me well today some forty years later. I believe i was 13 (it’s been so long ago, that the details escape me) and had recently experienced the most traumatic event of my life at that time (my father’s passing) which would change the way i viewed the world forever. I was a normal kid who enjoyed normal kid things, but circumstances did not allow me to have those things. I had a good work ethic but was too young to work. My cousin Bubby was the youngest of my aunt Barbara’s older kids. I always thought he was pretty cool as he served in the Army. One day he presented an opportunity to make money by selling candy. All who participated in the candy sell were to get receive fifty cent per bar. We would meet Bubby with whatever we used for transportation of the candy. We would then meet back up at a certain time for disbursement of funds. As time went on, my other cousins and brothers became less interested. I continued to work and sell the candy. I wanted to sell it all. One day it was time to split the cash. I noticed my end was short by close to twenty dollars or so. I questioned Bubby about the shortage. He shared the story of a bunny going home in the woods. When he suddenly hears a panicked voice asking for help. As he continues down the path, the sound becomes louder until he approaches a deep hole. Within the hole there is a rattle snake who cannot climb out of the hole. The snake asks for help to which the rabbit refuses stating you will definitely bite me. The snake assures the rabbit that he is in no way going to harm anyone etc etc… This continues for some time until the rabbit decides to help; although, he feels he will regret his decision. As the rabbit thought, when the snake was clearly out of the hole, the snake bit him. The rabbit asked why, and the snake said “i’m a snake”. With that Bubby corrected things and laughed. That lesson would eventually prepare me for experiences I would have along the way of becoming who I am. It taught me that snakes will bite. They may be able to refrain for some time, but... Now, having the ability to see snakes will serve anyone in getting bit less, but you will still get bitten. That is not necessarily a bad thing. I have been bitten plenty professionally. It has allowed me to develop thick skin and a tolerance to poison. Thanks for the lesson cuz. I love you man. My family has provided me with a wealth of information and experiences. None are more important than the other. They all contributed to my development. I love and appreciate all of them. It is necessary at times to stop and recognize life’s gifts while they are still present. If this information makes you just a bit uncomfortable, you may be a snake.

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